We are looking for some parent volunteers to help us with the dancers’ backstage during the performances.
All volunteers need to email us their PA clearances, child abuse and criminal. Parents cannot volunteer
without giving us this information. Parent volunteers are responsible for keeping the dancers backstage
quiet, helping them with costumes if needed, and making sure dancers are ready to be gathered to enter
stage. For our younger dancers we usually suggest some activities to keep them entertained such as board
games, or coloring activities. All volunteers will receive ONE comp ticket for the performance for the
opposing time you are working backstage. We are requesting the following number of volunteers per class
for BOTH performances on Saturday.

Link to access PA clearances: https://www.dhs.pa.gov/KeepKidsSafe/Clearances/Pages/default.aspx

A Sign-up Genius link will be emailed to these classes so parents can volunteer to help us backstage.

Your help is SO appreciated!!