Kristen Bissinger, Dance Faculty
Kristin earned her BA with a double major in dance and drama from Colorado College. With the support of Early Childhood Development courses from Temple U., she taught preschool for three years in a  Philadelphia public school program until starting her own family in 1974. Since 1980 she has taught creative dramatics and dance in Philadelphia area public and private schools, camps, scouts and cultural programs. In 1990 Kristen co-authored the book Leap Into Learning! Teaching K-7 Curriculum Through Creative Dramatics and Dance with Nancy Renfro. For 7 years she performed with her husband, Tom, in the improvisational theater troupe, Playback Philadelphia and has been a certified Brain Gym instructor for 10 years. In 2012 she released a musical recording and companion booklet, Wake Your Brain and Your Body, Creative Movement and Dance for Children. She and Karen Clemente co-directed Feet First Dance from 1987-2018. At Feet First, Kristen teaches our Creative Movement Classes.  Kristen has been teaching at Feet First since 1982.