Feet First Takes You to the Movies! Recital 2025
Tech Week Schedule
All of these rehearsals are scheduled on stage at the theater: Spring Ford school districts ninth
grade center located at 400 S Lewis rd. Royersford PA. Please arrive 10 minutes before your
scheduled time, with hair, makeup and costume ready to go.
Wednesday May 14th
1. Tap 5 (Saturday Night Fever) 4:45-4:55
2. Modern 3 (Mary Poppins) 4:55-5:10
3. Jazz 4 (FlashDance) 5:10-5:20
4. Ballet 1 (Breakfast at Tiffany’s) 5:20-5:35
5. Jazz/Tap 1(The Lorax) 5:35-5:50
6. Contemporary 1 (Interstellar) 5:50-6:05
7. Ballet 3⁄4 (The Greatest Showman) 6:05-6:15
8. Ballet 5 (Center Stage) 6:15-6:25
9. Tap 2 (9 to 5) 6:25-6:40
10. Hip Hop 3b (Smurfs) 6:40-6:50
11. PreBallet/Tap Cinderella (1pm Show) 6:50-7:05 (TECH BREAK 7:05-7:20)
12. Tot Hop (6pm Show) (Kung Fu Panda) 7:20-7:35
13. Pointe 1 (Downton Abbey) 7:35-7:45
14. Modern 5 (Dune) 7:45-7:55
15. Adult Tap (Cotton Club) 7:55-8:10
16. Contemporary 2 (The Addams Family) 8:10-8:20
17. Hip Hop 1a (Wreck-It Ralph) 8:20-8:35
18. Senior Company 8:35-8:40
19. Jazz 3 (Chitty Chitty bang bang) 8:40-8:50
20. Adult Contemporary (The Butterfly Effect) 8:50-9:00
Thursday May 15th
21. Hip Hop 1B (Top Gun) 4:45-5:00
22. Acro (The Incredibles) 5:00-5:15
23. Hip Hop 4 (The Dead Don’t Die) 5:15-5:25
24. Jazz 5 (Charlie Chaplin) 5:25-5:35
25. Hip Hop 5 (Too Fast Too Furious) 5:35-5:45
26. Hip Hop 2A (Mulan) 5:45-6:00
27. Adult Ballet (Godfather) 6:00-6:10
28. Junior Company 6:10-6:20
29. Pointe 2 (Moulin Rouge) 6:20-6:30
30. Jazz 2 (Spiderman) 6:30-6:45
31. Modern 4 (Inside out) 6:45-6:55
32. Contemporary 5 (Queen Elizabeth) 6:55-7:10
(TECH BREAK 7:10 7:25)
33. Adult Hip Hop (Space Jam) 7:25-7:35
34. Tap 3 (Singin’ In The Rain) 7:35-7:45
35. Hip Hop 3a (Slumdog Millionaire) 7:45-7:55
36. Adult Modern (Selma) 7:55-8:05
37. Hip Hop 2B (The rock of ages) 8:05-8:20
38. Contemporary 4 (The Ring) 8:20-8:30
39. Contemporary 3 (Little Women) 8:30-8:40
40. Adult Jazz (Fame) 8:40-8:50
41. Ballet 2 (Pirates Of the Caribbean) 8:50-9:05
42. Tap 4 (Free Willy) 9:05-9:15
43. Hip Hop 6 (Beauty Shop) 9:15-9:25
Friday, May 16th – DRESS REHEARSAL: Everyone should report to the theater
between 4:30-4:45PM. We will begin with announcements at 4:50PM. We will start with
running through our curtain call at 5:00pm, then take a 15 minute break to allow
dancers to get ready to begin the full run through of the show. Dancers will be allowed
to sit in the theater to watch the show. This will be the only time they can watch the
performance. Dancers should pack snacks and or a dinner that is not messy. They will
be able to eat in the lobby when they are not performing. No eating in the auditorium!
Saturday, May 17th– PERFORMANCES: For the 1:00pm performance, everyone
should report to the theater at 12:00pm. Dancers performing in both shows will be are
allowed to leave in between shows. However, a dinner package is available to
purchase in between shows if you wish (Please refer to the signup link on the website
for more information) Dancers are to return to the theater by 5:00pm for our 6:00pm
evening performance. Dancers performing only in the 6:00 performance are to report to
the theater by 5:00pm. The Box Office will be open at 12:00pm. House will open at
12:30. The box office will reopen at 5:00pm. House will open at 5:30. There
is no reserved seating. Dancers will not be allowed to sit in the theater to watch the
show and will be asked to stay in the cafeteria during both performances.